Написать числа словами по : 9962, 563, 672, 112, 555, 739, 3526, 9310, 2829, 7401, 12500, 32476. 30

alinaisaeva839 alinaisaeva839    2   30.08.2019 13:30    0

Zeka211 Zeka211  26.08.2020 12:27
Nine thousand nine hundred and fifty twoFive hundred and fifty threeShetsot seventy twoone hundred and twelveFive hundred fifty fiveSeven hundred thirty nineThree thousand five hundred and twenty sixNine thousand three hundred and tenTwo thousand eight hundred and twenty nineSeven thousand four hundred and onetwelve thousand five hundredThirty two thousand four hundred seven hundred and six
filip198585 filip198585  26.08.2020 12:27
ninety nine hundred sixty two , five hundred and sixty three, six hundred seventy two, one hundred and twelve, five hundred fifty five, seven hundred thirty nine, thirty five hundred twenty six, ninety three hundred ten, twenty eight hundred twenty nine, seventy four hundred and one, twelve thousand five hundred , thirty two thousand four hundred and seventy six.

вместо тысячных часто употребляют сотенные.

1500 — fifteen hundred dollars
1752 miles — seventeen hundred fifty two miles
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