Написать 9 предложений на тему"я люблю интернет и почему" на языке

azul1999 azul1999    1   11.07.2019 07:10    1

Elnura85 Elnura85  03.10.2020 01:03
I love Internet because i can surve the internet and learn new information.
I can chatting with my friends.I can find out what the weather today.
I can wathind the films.I can listen musik.Find answers to all your questions.I can 
know the news.
azmamatovm azmamatovm  03.10.2020 01:03
Nowadays Internet is very important in our life.
As we can search for new information and develop ourselves. 
I love Internet, because I can text and communicate with my relatives and friend.
I can do my homework.
For example: lab reports, essays.
I can watch interesting movies and listen to musiс. 
On the internet I can find new friends as well, which is really interesting.
I love internet, because I can read the books there...
I think thatInternet plays a major role in everyone's life
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