Написать 7 вопросов с did, who, when, whom, what, what colour jeans, what colour shoes. предложение, к которому надо задать вопросы: yesterday mother bought her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shose.

Glebforst Glebforst    2   18.05.2019 02:08    0

Лёшка1203 Лёшка1203  11.06.2020 08:55

Did mother buy her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shoes yesterday?

Who bought her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shoes yesterday?

When did mother buy her a pair of blue jeans and white shoes?

Whom did mother buy a pair of blue jeans and white shoes yesterday?

What did mother buy her yesterday?

What colour of jeans did mother buy her yesterday?

What colour of shoes did mother buy her yesterday?

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