Написать 5 предложений по правилу i'd like\i'd love+to v

ВладВишня ВладВишня    3   01.04.2019 08:10    2

Akale Akale  28.05.2020 04:27

"I'd like to visit Italy again" - "Я бы хотел съездить в Италию еще раз"

СпудиМэн СпудиМэн  28.05.2020 04:27
1. I'd like to explain you this subject one more time. 2. I'd like to buy this dress during the sale in this store. 3. I'd love to cook my mother a delicious meal. 4. I'd like to watch this play with the new actors. 5. I'd like to go for a walk in this park until it's not too late.
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