This house was built in 1884. This house wasn't built in 1884 Was this house built in 1884?
"War and Peace" was written by Leo Tolstoy in 1896. "War and Peace" wasn't written by Leo Tolstoy in 1896. Was "War and Peace" written by Leo Tolstoy in 1896?
The lesson was explained by the teacher. The lesson wasn't explained by the teacher. Was the lesson explained by the teacher?
The TV was invented by Russian scientist. The TV wasn't invented by Russian scientist. Was the TV invented by Russian scientist?
This house wasn't built in 1884
Was this house built in 1884?
"War and Peace" was written by Leo Tolstoy in 1896.
"War and Peace" wasn't written by Leo Tolstoy in 1896.
Was "War and Peace" written by Leo Tolstoy in 1896?
The lesson was explained by the teacher.
The lesson wasn't explained by the teacher.
Was the lesson explained by the teacher?
The TV was invented by Russian scientist.
The TV wasn't invented by Russian scientist.
Was the TV invented by Russian scientist?