Написать 3 вида (предложения в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах) policeman heard a scream in the saw a strange creature at the said something to his had a scary feeling when the saw the empty house__ children came back late at надо надо

ЛиЗоЧкА198 ЛиЗоЧкА198    3   23.08.2019 09:30    3

сада2 сада2  05.10.2020 14:20
1. the policeman did hear a scream in the dark. The policeman didn't hear a scream in the dark. Did policeman hear a scream in the dark?
2. Mara did see a strange creature at the window. Mara didn't see a strange creature at the window. Did Mara see a strange creature at the window?
3. Tom did say something to his friend. Tom didn't say something to his friend. Did Tom say something to his friend? 
4. Ann did have a scary feeling when they saw the empty house. Ann didn't have a scary feeling when they saw the empty house. Did Ann have a scary feeling when they saw the empty house.
5. The children did come back late at night. The children didn't come back late at night. Did children come back late at night?