Напешите восемь фраз о том, что вы в данный момент не делаете зарание

lera24012002 lera24012002    3   01.04.2019 15:30    0

Bitq Bitq  28.05.2020 06:18

1. I am not sleeping now.

2. I am not drinking tea or coffee now.

3. I am not talking on the phone now.

4. I am not reading a book now.

5. I am not watching TV now.

6. I am not playing with my cat now.

7. I am not doing my homework now.

8. I am not cooking dinner now.

ArthurAs ArthurAs  28.05.2020 06:18

1 I am not eating now

2 I  am not going to the scool 

3 I  am not sleeping now

4 I am not walking now

5 I am not reading book now

6 I am not whatching TV now 

7 I am not playing computer now

8 I am not drawing the painting

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