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1- Happiness (счастье)

1. Money can't buy you HAPPINESS - ПРИМЕР

2. I dont' think guns are SUIT toys for young children

3. alexander Graham Bell developed the first telephone in 1876.
Did he have any idea how important his INVENT would become?

4. Come on! You can do it! There's no such word as POSSIBLE!

5 THe tobacco companies understood the HARM a long time - but
kept quiet about them

6. Towards the end of the 20th centry, Microsoft became the
word's most SUCCIES is the only

7.kate winslet's PERFORM is the only
good thing about this film.

8. The England football team has some telent, but we're all
DOUBT about their chances in the World cup

9. Frightened? i was absolutly TERROR!

10. Adam is too SENSE.

11. I was kept WAKE last night by another crazy party

12. I know Herry is physically ATTRACT but he is a bit boring,
isn't he?

13. You have a problem, and i'm very SYMPATHY.

RomansPirs RomansPirs    2   23.05.2020 18:31    20

Amina441 Amina441  15.10.2020 07:12

2. I dont' think guns are SUITABLE toys for young children.

3. Alexander Graham Bell developed the first telephone in 1876.

Did he have any idea how important his INVENTION would become?

4. Come on! You can do it! There's no such word as IMPOSSIBLE!

5. The tobacco companies understood the HARMFULNESS a long time - but

kept quiet about them

6. Towards the end of the 20th centry, Microsoft became the word's most SUCCESSFUL..

7. Kate winslet's PERFORMANCE is the only good thing about this film.

8. The England football team has some talent, but we're all DOUBTFUL about their chances in the World cup.

9. Frightened? i was absolutely TERRIFIED!

10. Adam is too SENSITIVE.

11. I was kept AWAKE last night by another crazy party

12. I know Herry is physically ATTRACTIVE but he is a bit boring,

isn't he?

13. You have a problem, and i'm very SYMPATHETIC.

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