НАДО Задай во к предложению, используя слово в скобках. Пример: She goes to the swimming pool every day. (Where - Куда?) Where does she go every day?

They will write a test tomorrow. (When)
Liza bought a new dress in the shop. (Where)
She has eaten 5 apples. (How many)
He likes to read books because he can become a character of a wondwful story. (Why)

DaiDZ DaiDZ    3   21.04.2020 11:53    0

dimaschastny dimaschastny  13.10.2020 14:03

ответ:where does she go every day

When will they write test

Where did liza buy a new dress

How many has she eaten

Why does he like read books


djekichan123 djekichan123  13.10.2020 14:03
When they will write a test ?Where Liza bought a new dress ?How many she has eaten apples ?Why he likes to read books ?