надо я новенький и не знаю много ли это


1.“ I’m going out but I will be back in an hour” He said

2".If you are short of money, I can lend you some. She said

3.”Do you want to see the catherdral ?” The guide asked

4".Are there any letters for me ?” Paul asked

5."Let’s have a BBQ this week” Sally suggested

6."How long have you been learning English ?” The teacher asked

7."Don’t chew gum durnig lessons! “ The teacher told us

8.” I didn’t take your bag, you are mistaken” He explained

9.”She has left some books so you should call her now” He said

10".How much does she pay for the ticket ?” He asked

11."I was thinking of going by bus” Fred said

12. "Try to find a better job ! Mr Jones told me

13.”I believe we didn’t get your letter” Ann said

14."Does anyone know the answer ? “ A student asked

15".How did you get into the house ?” My dad asked

16."How many do you think we must take with us ?" Robert asked

17"Let’s camp in the mountains “ She suggested

18."Has he had an accident ? "He asked

19."How long does it take to get to Vienna ? "Joe asked

20.”Don’t write on this book but you may use the copybook. He told us

21. “ Sit down and tell me what is troubling you” My mum told

22".Did you do it yourself ? The boss asked

24. "What were you doing yesterday at 6.00 ? He asked

25.”Why are you spending so much time on those accounts ?” He asked

26.”That is the house where I was born” He said

27.” I dont like the jacket I prefer that jumper” The girl said

28.”What do you find difficult about cooking ?” She asked

29." Leave quietly or our boss will get upset ! She told us

30.” Was he at the party last Saturday ? She asked

31.” I was driving fast and I caused an accident” He said

33.”I would buy a car if I had enough money” She said

34."If he comes I will talk to him” She said

35.” Don’t be late again! “ She told me

36." What are your plans for the future ?” They asked me

37.” Let’s go out for dinner “ He suggested

38." I am sorry I haven’t rung before “ Colin said

39."May I look at the menu ? The guest asked

40. "When do I need another filling ? The patient asked

41.”She has been waiting since morning “ He said

42.”It is raining again” They said

43.”Who do you want to speak to ? "The operator asked

44."Do they grow rice in this field ?" The tourists asked

SemyaTanya SemyaTanya    1   15.03.2020 20:18    131

МашаКан МашаКан  14.01.2024 19:01
Добрый день, ученик! Давайте разберем все эти предложения по очереди, чтобы вы могли лучше понять, как переводить прямую речь (direct speech) в косвенную речь (reported speech).

1. "I’m going out but I will be back in an hour" - He said.
Ответ: He said that he was going out but he would be back in an hour.
Обоснование: В косвенной речи мы используем глагол "said" для обозначения действия, а глагол "am" меняем на "was". Также мы меняем будущее время "will" на соответствующее прошедшее время "would".

2. "If you are short of money, I can lend you some" - She said.
Ответ: She said that if I was short of money, she could lend me some.
Обоснование: Здесь косвенная речь содержит условное предложение. При переводе в косвенную речь, условное предложение необходимо изменить, заменив настоящее время в условной части предложения на прошедшее.

3. "Do you want to see the cathedral?" - The guide asked.
Ответ: The guide asked if we wanted to see the cathedral.
Обоснование: В косвенной речи мы используем глагол "asked" для обозначения вопросительной формы. Вопросительную форму меняем на повествовательную и добавляем вводное союз "if" перед вопросительным словом.

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