надо white questions. ( слова в ковычках подчеркнуты) 1.next tuesday.(i shall come "next tuesday".) 2. at the swimming pool. (i'll be "at the swimming pool".) 3. a dog. (i have got "a dog".) 4. two. ( i bought "two" cassettes last friday.) 5. i'am going to give him the toy "because he likes to play". 6. green. ( my bike is "green".) 7. he's lost "his glasses". 8. two days ago. (he lost his glasses "two days ago".) 9. a stadium. (there is "a stadium" near the park.) 10. a sweet. ( there was "a sweet" on the desk.)

dayanaazimbaevа dayanaazimbaevа    3   21.05.2019 18:10    2

resetmac resetmac  16.06.2020 14:51

-.When will you come?
1.Next Tuesday.(I shall come "next Tuesday".)

2. -.Where will you be?

At The Swimming Pool. (I'll Be "At The Swimming pool".)

3. -.What have you got?

A dog. (I Have Got "A Dog".)

4. -.How many cassettes did you buy last Friday?

Two. ( I Bought "Two" Cassettes Last Friday.)

5. -..Why are you going to give him the toy?

I'am going To Give Him The Toy "Because He Likes To Play".

6. -.What colour is your bike?

Green. ( My Bike Is "Green".)

7. -.What has he loose?

He's Lost "His Glasses".

8. - How long ago did he loose his glasses?

Two Days Ago. (He Lost His Glasses "two Days Ago".)

9. -.What is near the park?

A Stadium. (There Is "a Stadium" Near The Park.)

10. -.What was there on the desk?

A Sweet. ( There Was "a Sweet" On The Desk.)

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