Надо вставить слова нужные слова внизу it was a dark and rainy evening when i was at home alone. i a book when i something in the basement. first i not afraid of it. some time later i my father on his mobile phone and the music in the basement. i thought, "dad is at home". but when i into the basement,i didnt see him there . the music , either. only two on the floor. perhaps it was a ghost! (1) be x2 (2)call (3) stand (4) not play (5) walk (6) hear x2 (7) read

Marinkasmirnova Marinkasmirnova    2   22.06.2019 07:20    4

osipovalex1969 osipovalex1969  22.06.2019 07:20
Iread book hear something be not afraid i call my father not play the music walk into not play stand on the floor надеюсь понятно написала: d по 5,надеюсь,что правильно,удачи: ))  
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