Надо вставить правильные слова. 1)how (many, much, some) butter is there in the fridge? 2) there is (a, some, much) book in the bag? 3) how (much, some, many) bananas are there in the fridge? 4) there are (some, a, an) carrots on the plate. 5) i have (a, an, some) apple in my bag. 6) he couldn't go to school yesterday. because he (is, wasn't, was) ill. 7) where (was, were, is) your brother yesterday? 8) (could, can, were) you speak english when you were fifteen? , ответьте быстрее!

nastushka208 nastushka208    1   17.08.2019 22:10    2

Onishykmaksim Onishykmaksim  05.10.2020 01:39
1) much
2) a
3) many
4) some
5) an
6) was
7) was
8) could
muzaparovakamil muzaparovakamil  05.10.2020 01:39
How much butter is there in the fridge?
There is a book in the bag.
How many bananas are there in the fridge?
There are some carrots on the plate.
I have an apple in my bag.
Because he was ill.
Where was your brother yesterday?
Could you speak English when you were fifteen?
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