Надо вставить артикли: 1. there is apple in basket 2. there is cup on table 3. there are carrots in bag 4. i ussualy have apple juice for brealfast 5. could i have glass of milk 6. is there banana in frige 7. that is pity (и как переводится pity) 8. i can not make fish soup without carrots. заранее ! (это за 5 класс)

45Эвлария 45Эвлария    1   07.07.2019 16:00    5

даниил853 даниил853  30.07.2020 21:06
1. There is an apple in the basket.
2. There is a cup on the table.
3. There are carrots in the bag.
4. I usually have an apple juice for breakfast.
5. Could I have a glass of milk.
6. Is there a banana in the fridge?
7. That is a pity (жалость)
8. I cannot make a fish soup without carrots.
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