надо SOS

Определите правильный порядок слов в предложении
14. angry, were, parents, not, my
Parents my angry were not.
Parents not my angry were.
Not angry my were parents.
My parents were not angry.
Parents not were angry my.
19. Составьте общий во употребляя Past Simple глагола “to be”it / to be / yesterday / cold?
Was it cold yesterday?
Were it cold yesterday?
Yesterday did cold it be?
Cold were it yesterday?
It was cold yesterday?
16. yesterday, were, where, you?
Were where you yesterday?
Where were you yesterday?
You were yesterday where?
Yesterday were where you?
You yesterday were where?
18. Выберите специальный во к предложению: She was in Astana two months ago.
Where did Astana be two months ago?
Who be in Astana two months ago?
When she did be in Astana?
Where two months she was ago?
When was she in Astana?
15. not, I, tired, was, yesterday
Yesterday I not tired was.
Not was I tired yesterday.
Tired yesterday was not I.
Was yesterday tired I not.
Yesterday I was not tired.
20. Составьте специальный во к предложению, употребляя глагол “to be” в Past Simple Tense. There (to be) five books in his bag yesterday.
Where was five books yesterday?
How many books there were in his bag yesterday
Where are five books yesterday?
How many was books there in his bag yesterday?
How many books were there is his bag yesterday?
17. Выберите общий во к предложению: You were in America.
Were you in America?
You were in America?
In America you were?
Did you be in America?
America were you in?

Выберите эквивалент для предложения:
24. Были ли Том и Кейт в кинотеатре на неделе?
Tom and Kate were at the cinema last week?
Will Tom and Kate be at the cinema next week?
Be Tom and Kate at the cinema last week?
Was Tom and Kate at the cinema last week?
Were Tom and Kate at the cinema last week?
21. Маша была рада видеть его вчера.
Masha were glad to see him yesterday.
Masha will be glad to see him tomorrow.
Masha is glad to see him.
Masha was glad to see him yesterday.
Masha will see him tomorrow.
22. Мой друг не был в школе вчера.
My friend not was at school tomorrow.
My friend did not be at school yesterday.
My friend was not at school yesterday.
My friend not be at school yesterday.
My friend be not at school tomorrow.
23. Мы были в Нью-Йорке в году.
We were in New York last year.
We are in New York now
We be in New York yesterday.
We was in New York last year.
We’ll be in New York next year.
25. Где ты был вчера? – Я был дома.
Were where you yesterday? – I was at home.
Where were you yesterday? – I was at home.
Where was you yesterday? – I was at home.
Where was you yesterday? - I were at home.
Where were you yesterday? – I were at home.

Я умоляю

ismaildior200920 ismaildior200920    1   23.04.2020 21:29    0

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