Надо сделать эти предложения ! 1-jane doesn't enjoy going to the zoo. 2-tony doesn't swim well. 3-do you walk to school? 4-they don't eat meat. 5-she doesn't like tigers. 6-sue and bob don't run very fast. 7-do they play football? 8-does mr harris live in brazil?

aielstar aielstar    1   18.07.2019 06:40    3

olesyaandreeva1 olesyaandreeva1  07.08.2020 20:25
1 - Jane enjoys going to the zoo.
2 - Tony swims well.
3 - You walk to school
4 - They eat meat.
5 - She likes tigers.
6 - Sue and Bob  run very fast.
7 - They play football
8 - Mr Harris lives in Brazil
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