Надо предложение во множественное число 1)that is a bookshelf 2)is this a sofa 3)this child is my son 4)there is a match in the box 5)what is that shild's name 6)the cat has caught a mouse? 7)he keeps his toy in a box 8)put this knife on that table

11516118 11516118    3   05.09.2019 18:20    3

ulylsh ulylsh  06.10.2020 19:48
1Those are bookshelves.
2Are these sofas?
3These children are my sons.
4There are matches in the boxes.
5What are those children's names?
6The cats have caught mice.(Have the cats caught mice?)
7They keep their toys in boxes.
8Put these knives on those tables.
Еденарог5555 Еденарог5555  06.10.2020 19:48
Those are bookshelves
Are these sofas
These children are my sons
There are matches in the boxex
What's are these children's names
Cats have caught mice
They keep their toys in boxex
Put these knives on that tables
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