Надо поставить слова по порядку чтобы получился предложение 1.travel/ veronica /going /i'm / with/ to 2.tent/ going/ mike's /in/ sleep /to/ a 3.any /buy/ aren't/ to /we/ going/ clothes 4.library/ to/ us /outside /going /meet/ the /they're 5.in /stay /not/ a/ i'm /to /hotel/ going 6.invite/ her /to /you /going /jane's /party/ to

Kpoper772 Kpoper772    3   18.07.2019 01:30    0

katyaden2 katyaden2  03.10.2020 06:49
1) I'm going to travel with Veronica.
2) Mike's going to sleep in a tent.
3) We aren't going to buy any clothes.
4) They're going to meet us outside the library.
5) I'm not going to stay in a hotel.
6) Jane's going to invate you to her party.
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