Надо! поставить глагол в нужную форму. enrico caruso, the greatest tenor, told me about his experience, which would seem to prove that no man (to be) as famous as he (to think) he (to be). as he (to motor) over the catskill mountains, his auto (to break down) and he (seek) refuge in a lonely farmhouse while the car (to repair) at a nearby garage. he got into conversation with the farmer and after a while the farmer asked his name. he told him it (to be) caruso. the astounded farmer (to jump) to his feet and, grabbing his hand, exclaimed, "i (to expect) never to see you in my home! caruso! the famous traveler! robinson caruso! "

sevostyanova2002 sevostyanova2002    1   25.06.2019 17:20    24

timatima2000 timatima2000  02.10.2020 11:30
Is as famous as he thinks he is
was motoring, auto broke down, sought, the car was being repaired 
it was
I have never expected 
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