Надо перевести на язык where were we? could you give us an example,please? will we be tesked on this moterial? i need some extra help this is really difficult for me i tried hord,but i just couldan't figure it out. this was really easy i`v got a question what`s a better way to say this what does it mean i don`t understand this word , sentens how do you pronouns this word shald or shall i start shald or shall i go on shald or shall i read may i leave the may i go to the bathroom did i do this correctely is the correct what is this could in english is there are in other way at saying it can i say may i ask you question please could you repet the question can you write it on the board what must we do next
1. Где мы были? 2. Ты не мог бы привести нам пример возможно tested. Нас будут проверять по этому материалу?
4. Мне нужна Это очень трудно, я очень старался, но я просто не могу решить (догадаться, сообразить)
дальше я не разобрала задания, не понятно, где кончается одно и начинается другое предложение