Надо написать биографию фернана магеллана на языке

ПоляБондарь ПоляБондарь    3   22.06.2019 02:40    1

Spartak1935 Spartak1935  17.07.2020 12:29
Biography Of Ferdinand Magellan
Date of birth: 1480 year
Date of death: April 27, 1521
Place of birth: Kingdom of Portugal

Magellan Ferdinand - medieval Navigator. As F. Magellan known as the first person who documented a trip around the world.

Fernand was born in a Portuguese noble family. The family was large, but the details of their lives almost lost it. A teenager Fernand served at the court of the Portuguese king.

After the discovery of sea route to India, almost the entire male population of Portugal went with the dream to get rich in the East. Experienced sailors lacked the level of the sailors was appallingly low. In one of these expeditions first went Fernand.

The voyage was not easy, as Fernand participated in the battle of Cannanore. A year later he was already pacified the rebellious, and soon was wounded twice.
This did not prevent him to participate in the control of Malacca. It was a strategic point for those who wanted to trade spices.

During negotiations between the Portuguese and the Arabs something went wrong and a conflict broke out. The result was the death of many of the Portuguese, but Fernand was able to prevent several officers and save a couple of friends.

Since that time the influence of Magellan will only increase. First he managed to save two of the crew got in a wreck, then be the adviser to the Vice-king. It was he Fernand advised to refuse the use of commercial vessels in military operations to capture new lands.

After returning to the capital of Portugal, Fernand already received a pension. Perhaps it was not so great, because two years later, Fernand already involved in the fighting in Morocco. After the incident, there incident of unauthorized departure to Portugal and injuries, Fernand resigns and decides to return home.

It was there that he conceives his own journey. The king it is not interesting and neither ship nor Finance future Navigator does not receive. Then he decides to go with the same request to the Spanish king.

But before that, Fernand manages to marry a Spaniard, to find lobbyists your project and share them with future profits. Eventually, Magellan receives Royal assent and started to prepare to sail.

Sail went five vessels, three of which were under the command of Spanish. The Portuguese and Spaniard immediately after the departure began to fight for the championship and these conflicts were constantly renewed. The Spaniards didn't like the route they lacked discipline and tried to shift Fernand from the post of captain-General.

The voyage was difficult, sent a reconnaissance ship sank and part of the crew were killed. The rest of the travelers could not find the Strait between oceans. Finally, the Strait was found, and on it for more than a month, the ship went to sea. Because the vessel was not preserved provisions, further voyage was even more difficult. Reaching the inhabited Islands, sailors participated in a skirmish with the natives.

After had crossed the Pacific ocean, the ships reached the Philippines, where he stocked up on provisions and healed the wounded team members. Then on the island of Cebu sailors realized that they had made a circle around the Earth. They started with the establishment of trade relations with the natives of the island and tried to convert them to Catholicism.

Of course, not all the inhabitants of the island wanted to obey the invaders. During one of the battles with the natives Magellan was killed. This happened in April 1521 in the Philippines.
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