, надо написать артикль the где используется и где нет, выручайте 1. In his youth Mr. Curry had been abroad a great deal, had lived in ... Ceylon, ... Singapore and ... India. 2. It was not ... Monte Carlo I had known, or perhaps the truth was that it pleased one better. 4. He made ... England too hot to hold him; fled to ... Central Amer¬ica, and died there of yellow fever. 5. The wealth of Mary's husband flowed from his being ruler-owner of manganese deposits in ... southwestern Asia. 6. I hear he's off to ... Central Africa. 7. He decided to take his profit and buy a house on ... Riviera. 8. Next morning, back from shopping in ... Cannes, Nicole found a note saying that Dick had taken the small car and gone up into ... Provence for a few days by himself. 9. Your ad¬vice, then, as I understand it, is that the young man will be as safe in ... Devonshire as in ... London. 10. That evening he glanced at the tape for any news about ... Transvaal. 11. My great-grand-father was Governor of ... North Carolina. 12. Several show cases are devoted to the reunification of ... Ukraine with Russia. 13. We drove up from ... Valencia. 14. Here are some of his be¬longings such as the sword given to him in ... Caucasus and many historical documents. 15. One of the most striking of the many unique exhibits is a marble sar¬cophagus—a relic of ancient art found in excavations on ... Taman Peninsula in ... Crimea. 16. He read of the early departure for the season of a party composed of the Vanderbildts and their friends for ... Florida. 17 Yorkshire is famous for some delicious foods, including Yorkshire pudding and roastbeef. 18. In ... Netherlands and ... Belgium St. Nicholas' Day, December 6 is the children's festival, on the eve of which the saint is sup¬posed to come riding from ... Spain with presents for all good children. 19. When the war broke out he served first in ... Cameroon and then in ... Senegal. 20. The first three department stores in ... United States were in ... Chicago. 21. Anyhow they lived in ... South China. 22. He's moved to ... Lebanon. 23. "I wonder," he said suddenly, "where that ballet goes after ... Argentine." 24. Michael looked quizzically at his parent. Did he quite understand ... England of today? 26. You told me you were wondering who had been chosen to play for ... Sussex against ... Middlesex. 27. Over his wine Dick looked at them again, in their happy faces, the dignity that surrounded and pervaded the party, he perceived all the maturity of ... older America. 28. "I'm a socialist," said the man, I sympathize with ... USSR." 29. ... Columbia city was not so far away, even once she was in …Chicago. 30. This was not ... Paris that good Americans went to when they died. 31. Having stayed near four months in ... Hamburg, I came from thence by land to ... Hague.

DarkLooord DarkLooord    1   06.05.2021 15:28    2

sfsv4641de2r sfsv4641de2r  06.05.2021 15:30


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