Надо ! надеюсь на поддержку грамматический тест по языку - 8 класс 1. al`s part-time job takes most of his time in the evenings. a- to b- off c- up 2. john says that when he was a student, maths his least favourite subject. a- were b- had been c- was 3. kate drive to work, but now she takes the bus. a- got used to b- used to c- was used to 4. tracy can type eighty words minute. a- the b- ничего c- a 5. sue gave dan a new set of hockey for his birthday. a- bats b- clubs c- sticks 6. my mum says she`ll never forget my dad for the first time. a- to meet b- she met c- meeting 7. the speaker had to his voice, as some people at the back of the room couldn`t hear him well. a- raise b- lift c- put up 8. it like the bus is running late. let`s catch a taxi. a- is looking b- has looked c- looks 9. jerry doesn`t mind overtime, as he really needs the extra money. a- work b- to work c- working 10. terry`s job as an accountant brings quite a lot of money. a- up b- for c- in 11. it`s not nice to blame others your mistakes. a- of b- for c- about 12. the room was decorated fresh flowers from their garden. a- by b- of c- with 13. the salad needs some oil and a of vinegar. a- litre b- teaspoon c- pinch 14. jane wear a uniform at work, as long as her clothes are neat and tidy. a- mustn`t b- ought not to c- doesn`t have to 15. do you mind if i your dictionary? i forgot to bring mine. a- rent b- lend c- borrow 16. the burning of fossil fuels has a bad on our environment. a- drawback b- impact c- fault 17. mum advised me large amounts of cash with me abroad. a- not to carry b- to not carry c- don`t carry 18. laslie is very keen learning how to play a musical instrument. a- at b- on c- of 19. tom been hungry. he ate three sandviches and two packets of biscuits. a- ought to have b- may have c- must have 20.it`s always a good idea to save up for a day. you might need the extra money. a- rairy b- foggy c- windy

mrdaaly mrdaaly    3   14.09.2019 16:20    4

mmmm50 mmmm50  04.08.2020 08:17
1. c
2. c
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. c
10. a
11. b
12. c
13. b
14. c
15. c
16. b
17. a
18. b
19. c
20. a
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