Надо и скобок слова поставить в правильную форму! i am on a school trip to russian at the moment. i (to have) got lots of exciting things to tell you. one of them is about a picnic in kolomenskoye park where my russian friends and i (to go) last sunday. the weather (to be) warm and sunny. we (to get) to the park at noon and (to find) and ideal place for a picnic on the hill with a great view of the russian church. firstly, we (to help) vlad's parents put the blankets and deck chairs on the soft green grass. vlad's mother (to take) a great picnic basket with lots of great thing in it such as children rolls, sandwiches, lemonade and cakes. after lunch we all (to go) to fly kites. it (to be) windy and soon our kites(to be) high in the sky like big bright birds. you know, my hobbe is flying kites, that is why my kite (to be) the highest of all. vlad has got a pet dog. it (to run) about and wanted to play with us. so, when we (to finish) with the kites we (to begin) to throw the ball to vlad's dog. then we (to play) football amd badmiton. vlad's mum had a camera wonderful day we (to spend) in kolomenskoye.

nadiamandrik23 nadiamandrik23    1   11.09.2019 10:10    1

kuzmichevaliza kuzmichevaliza  07.10.2020 07:14
1) have
2) went
3) was
5) found
6) helped
8) went
9) was
10) were
11) was
12) ran
13) finished
14) began
16) spent/spened
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