Надо exercise 5.вставьте пропущенные слова: another important function of the kidney is to maintain the … balance of water, salt and acid in the body fluids. the brain is the … center for regulating and coordinating body activities. respiration is the … process of breathing. the blood and lymphatic systems have many … . joints are the places where … come together. the endocrine system is composed of … located in different regions of the body. exercise 6. вставьте артикль там, где необходимо. … main systems of … body have groups of organs working together to perform complex functions. … mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines are organs which compose … digestive system. there are some organs within … each system. … circulatory system is also called … cardiovascular system. the main function of … respiratory system is to convey … oxygen and to remove … carbon dioxide

alkozlovtzeva alkozlovtzeva    2   01.04.2019 21:30    1430

Lophin Lophin  20.01.2021 11:37
another important function of the kidney is to maintain the proper balance of water, salt and acid in the body fluids. the brain is the main center for regulating and coordinating body activities. respiration is the mechanical process of breathing. the blood and lymphatic systems have many functions . joints are the places where bones come together. the endocrine system is composed of glands located in different regions of the body. exercise 6. вставьте артикль там, где необходимо. main systems of the body have groups of organs working together to perform complex functions. … mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines are organs which compose the digestive system. there are some organs within each system. The circulatory system is also called a cardiovascular system. the main function of the respiratory system is to convey oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide
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