Нада пару слов на англискам языке про пингвина​

NEW4IK NEW4IK    3   03.12.2020 18:25    1

Superymniaha Superymniaha  02.01.2021 18:32

The penguin is a flightless bird

Penguins use their wings to swim like fish use their fins. There are 18 species in the penguin family. Penguins are distinguished from all other birds by a special body structure. The body shape of penguins is streamlined, which is ideal for movement in the water. The musculature and structure of the bones allows them to work underwater with their wings almost like screws. Penguins are found only in the southern hemisphere. Most often they nest in large colonies, often numbering tens of thousands of pairs or more. In the colonies of the emperor penguin, sometimes there are 300 thousand individuals. Both parents take part in incubating eggs and feeding chicks alternately. Fish and crustaceans half-digested and regurgitated by their parents serve as food for the chicks. Cubs find refuge from the cold in the lower folds of the parent's abdomen. The plumage of penguin chicks is usually dark brown; over time, they acquire a characteristic black and white color, like in adults. The ancestors of penguins lived in a temperate climate - when Antarctica was not yet a solid piece of ice. The planet's climate was changing. The continents drifted, Antarctica shifted to the South Pole and covered with eternal ice. The animals left or died out from there, and the penguins, having adapted to the cold, remained.

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