На месте пропусков вставить предлоги 1. i have to do my best to talk him _ taking _ this job; it's obvious that lie' unfit _ it. 2. she decided to keep me _ going there _ all means. 3. i'll get touch _ you as soon as i make _ my mind. 4. i do not want you to go _ details _ the accident, try to leave them _. 5. the article the bottom the page may be _ interest _ everyone who works _ in our company: there are some interesting facts _ our management. 6. he wanted to have a word _ you. i guess it's somehow connected _ the last changes. 7. i am not good _ mathematics; you should turn _ your aunt. 8. i guess you are not quite fair _ your attitude _ our new agent; he is just a beginner _ last. 9. he did not want to live fear _ being caught or killed, so he decided to leave _ the country where no one could find or recognize him. 10. it' very much_ you how well the work will be done. 11. as i do not know the nature the illness, i cannot suggest any cure _ it.

yulik9 yulik9    2   16.09.2019 13:00    1

ВикторияПан ВикторияПан  07.10.2020 19:44
1. into, -, for (I have to do my best to talk him into taking this job; it’s obvious that I’m unfit for it.)2. from, by3. with, up4. into, of, out (здесь вообще в упражнении ошибка с артиклями: либо «[…] to go into details; keep them out.», либо «[…] to go into the details»; можешь заметить это проверяющему)5. of, to, -, about6. with, to7. at, to8. with, to, ??? (третье — мб after all, но at last там не подходит; других вариантов нет)9. of, - (можешь заметить проверяющему, to live IN fear of […])10. on (предполагаю, но предложение настолько кривое, кто этот тест вообще писал?)11. for
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