На фразовый глагол come(выберете правильный вариант ответа) 1.joe the house before. has come round has come back has come out has come across 2.he from a holiday in america. has come round has come back has come out has come across 3.his new book recently. came round came back came out came across 4.mary to see my new stereo yesterday. came round came back came out came across 5.he this chessboard in an antiques shop last week. came round came back came out came across

Артем222211 Артем222211    1   17.09.2019 11:50    1

daregloverp08l0m daregloverp08l0m  07.10.2020 21:42
1.Joe came round the house before.
2.He has come back from a holiday in America.
3.His came back new book  recently.
4.Mary came out see my new stereo yesterday.
5.He came across this chessboard in an antiques shop last week.
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