My holidays in Egypt were awful last year. Due to a (understand) I got on the wrong train. Then the trip was cancelled due to poor (visible) on the road because of the fog. Going on holiday without travel insurance was absolutely (advice) for me as my (fortune) friend frightened a camel and caught a local disease being on holiday in that country. Having no local currency in advance was really (convenient), especially in the countryside and I couldn't buy souvenirs for my family. Moreover, I lost my jewellery on the beach as I didn't leave my (value) in the hotel safe. To tell the truth, it was a good experience and it made me stronger. Now I know what to do in such situations. Раскрыть скобки
Теперь давайте разберем предложение поподробнее и заполним пропущенные слова:
1. Understand - В данном контексте нужно использовать глагол "misunderstand". Это означает, что я неправильно понял или перепутал что-то.
"Due to a misunderstanding I got on the wrong train."
2. Visible - В данном контексте нужно использовать прилагательное "visibility", которое означает видимость.
"Then the trip was cancelled due to poor visibility on the road because of the fog."
3. Advice - В данном контексте нужно использовать существительное "advice". Так как субъект в предложении говорит о том, что не иметь страховку было не рекомендуемо для него.
"Going on holiday without travel insurance was absolutely unadvisable for me."
4. Fortune - В данном контексте нужно использовать существительное "unfortunate", которое означает несчастный или неудачливый.
"as my unfortunate friend frightened a camel and caught a local disease being on holiday in that country."
5. Convenient - В данном контексте нужно использовать существительное "inconvenient", которое означает неудобный или непрактичный.
"Having no local currency in advance was really inconvenient, especially in the countryside and I couldn't buy souvenirs for my family."
6. Value - В данном контексте нужно использовать существительное "valuables", которое означает ценные вещи.
"Moreover, I lost my jewellery on the beach as I didn't leave my valuables in the hotel safe."
Таким образом, исправленное предложение будет выглядеть так:
"My holidays in Egypt were awful last year. Due to a misunderstanding I got on the wrong train. Then the trip was cancelled due to poor visibility on the road because of the fog. Going on holiday without travel insurance was absolutely unadvisable for me as my unfortunate friend frightened a camel and caught a local disease being on holiday in that country. Having no local currency in advance was really inconvenient, especially in the countryside and I couldn't buy souvenirs for my family. Moreover, I lost my jewellery on the beach as I didn't leave my valuables in the hotel safe. To tell the truth, it was a good experience and it made me stronger. Now I know what to do in such situations."