My Granny’s cottage

Read the text “My Granny’s cottage ” and mark the statements 1-6 T (True) or F (False) DS (doesn’t say).

Hi John,

Thanks for your email. I enjoy reading about your weekend in London.

Now I want to tell you about my weekends. You know that I live in Almaty, but at the weekend my family often goes to my Granny’s cottage. It is a little wooden house in the mountains, about 25 kilometers from Almaty. We go there by car. It has a garden and a beautiful view. What a wonderful place! It’s one of my favourite places.

The cottage is very small. There are only 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. But there are some chairs and a table in the garden. We usually have dinner in the open air.

There are a lot of trees in the garden: apples, plums, apricots, cherries and pears. I help to pick the fruit in the summer. Not far from the cottage there is a little river. When the weather is warm we often go swimming. Today it’s sunny and hot. Right now my brother and I are sunbathing. We are having a fantastic time here!

Write again soon, Erlan

1. Erlan lives in Almaty.

2. His parents have got a cottage in the mountains.

3. There are lots of different fruit in the summer.

4. They usually eat in the kitchen.

5. Erlan is sunbathing now.

6. There are lots of vegetables in the garden.​

Nastyadavydenko Nastyadavydenko    1   15.05.2020 05:51    3

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