My family is ...

There are . . . of us in the family:.. .

We spend/don't spend a lot of time together.

We go to ..., visit. . .

My mum's name is . ..

She is a . . ..

She works in/at a . ..

My dad's name is . . .

He is a . . .

He works in/at a . . .

My brother(s)/sister(s) is (are). ..

We all have our duties about the house.

My mum . . . ; my dad . . . ; I . . .

I think our family is . . .
(Семья большая:Я,сестра,сестра, мама,папа
Мы проводим время вместе,ходим в кино,посещаем музеи и театры
Мама не работает( дела по дому)
Папа предприниматель
И т.д.)

kolchanovalina kolchanovalina    3   10.06.2020 17:07    3

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