My family Hi everyone! My name’s Lucy. My family isn’t very big. I’ve got a brother and a sister. My brother’s name is Josh.He’s 15 years old, and he’s very tall. He’s got big green eyes and dark curly hair. My sister’s name is Ellie, andshe’s 10 years old. She’s quite short and has got long dark straight hair. I’m in the middle. I’m 13 years old,and I’m quite tall. I’ve got short hair and blue eyes. Our parents are 40, and they’re both teachers at my school.

Mum hasn’t got brothers or sisters, but Dad’s brother is a Maths teacher at the same school and his wife is a teacher, too. They’ve got three children. They’re all at university in another city.

Read the sentences. Identify “ true” and “false” sentences. Определите верные и неверные утверждения по тексту.

0 There are lots of people in Lucy’s family. F

1 Josh has got two sisters.

2 Ellie’s got curly hair.

3 Lucy and Josh have got the same colour eyes.

4 Ellie’s uncle is a teacher.

5 Lucy has got three cousins.

vylko777Leybe vylko777Leybe    2   08.12.2020 15:15    1

Rf123123 Rf123123  07.01.2021 15:16

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

Danika02 Danika02  07.01.2021 15:16



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