Mr Williams is a our letters. A taxi driver B postman He always delivers C baker There are six on the table. A knives Has Jim got A those B knife book? B these Whose house is that? It's A Katies' B Katie C Katie and Jack's You be quiet in the classroom. A mustn't B must Ellen is going on safari. She lions. A want What are you A does We haven't got A any B will B do C always to see C wants C doing C box C this house. now? milk in the fridge. B some Sam wears it's hot. A trousers How A much са in the summer because B coats C shorts rice can you eat? B many C some "Would you like to come fishing with me?' 'No, thanks! It's A exciting B boring C enjoyable Will you come sailing with me? No, I A will B don't C won't Have you got a toothache? You must see a A doctor B dentist C teacher​

P4k3T P4k3T    2   12.03.2021 20:59    1

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