(можна скорочено О. was)
до кінця тижня
Заповнити пропуски
дієсловами was/wеrе
О. It ... cool yesterday. (was)
1. My aunt ... 40 last year.
2. The weather ... very hot.
3. Her children ... at school.
4. The house ... not clean.
5. There ... no vegetables for
6. Ann and Bob ... happy.
Заповнити пропуски
прийменниками місця іn/in
the/at/at the
7. Mary is ... school now.
8. My granny lives ... village.
9. We were ... Kyiv last year.
10. There were no pupils ...
11. My father is ... work now.
12. Pupils were ... theatre last

Tobirama0shok Tobirama0shok    2   16.04.2020 13:52    0

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