Можете ? use present perfect or past simple of the verbs given in brackets: 1) a: why aren’t you doing your homework? b: i can’t do it. i (leave) my books at school. 2) a: you ever (be) to america? b: yes, i i (be) there twice. a: when you (be) there? b: for the first time a (be) there in 1998. 3) a: there isn’t any milk left. we (drink) it. b: i can’ believe it. yesterday i (buy) 3 litres. 4) a: they haven’t got a car any more. they (sell) it. b: when they (do) it? 5) a: you (find) your pen? b: yes, i i (find) it last tuesday.

минам2003 минам2003    1   08.09.2019 22:00    8

sofia060506 sofia060506  07.10.2020 01:55
1) A: Why aren’t you doing your homework?
B: I can’t do it. I left my books at school.
2) A: Have you ever been to America?
B: Yes, I have. I have been there twice.
A: When were you there?
B: For the first time a was there in 1998.
3) A: There isn’t any milk left. We have drunk it.
B: I can’ believe it. Yesterday I bought 3 litres.
4) A: They haven’t got a car any more. They have sold it.
B: When did they do it?
5) A: Have you found your pen?
B: Yes, I have. I found it last Tuesday.
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