Можете из этого сделать 11 предложений пересказ . Pmerica was discovered in 1492. It took many years before Pertinand Magllan, a Portuguese explorer, made the first trip around Se worid. He sailed from Bpein in 1519 and only in 1522 very few of e men returned home, Mazellan himself did not live to see his home agxia, He wae killed in 1521 in the Philippine Islands, which he dis- Who Bailed Around the World? Nowadays every pupil can find Magellan's name on the map of the worldc the Strzit of Magellan connects Europe with the Far East by a wetern route, That is the route which Magellan was the first to use Ceptain James Cook, an Engilahman, sailed around the world as den as three times. In 1768 he began his first round the world trip, He rovnded Cepe Horn fromn the Atlantic and returned to England in 1770. Two years later he made a trip rouTnd Antaretica that lasted three yeers, In 1778 he explored the northwest coast of America, On his arn voyage he was killed by Hawaian natives in 1779