Mountains are ... higher than ... Urals. 5. There is splendid ... view of ... Lake Geneva from this hotel.
6. My ... friends have travelled a lot. This ... year
they are going to fly to ... Canary Islands. 7. Which river flows through ... London ? - ... Thames . 8 . Of which country is Washington ... capital ? - ... United States .9. ... United Kingdom consists of ... Great Britain and ... Northern Ireland .10. ... Chicago is on ... Lake Michigan .
вставить артикль где необходимо !

avanesyan20011 avanesyan20011    1   20.10.2020 18:42    0

xeniakudriavtseva xeniakudriavtseva  19.11.2020 18:46

4) more, the

5) -, the

6) -, -, the

7) the, the river

8) -, of

9) the, -, -

Извини если не правильно, просто нам такое в младшей школе не давали:)

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