Modal verbs

1. Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verb. Перефразируйте предложение, используя модальный глагол в скобках.

Example: I think the book was under the table, (must)
The book must have been under the table.

1. It was wrong to tell them the truth. (ought)
2. It is a good idea to cut the grass soon. (better)
3. It is not possible that he is a Spanish. (can't)
4. I advise him to give up smoking. (should)
5. You nearly caused the accident. (could)

2. Express the same in English. Перевести на английский.

1. Тебе не следовало играть в компьютер так долго.
2. Здесь нельзя курить.
3. Мне не нужно вставать по утрам.
4. Возможно, она не любит рыбу.
5. Тебе следует обратиться в больницу.

iweriooo iweriooo    1   16.04.2020 18:11    47

daniilnz1 daniilnz1  24.01.2024 20:35
1. It was wrong to tell them the truth. (ought)
Paraphrased sentence: You ought not to have told them the truth.
Explanation: The modal verb "ought" is used to express moral obligation or duty. By using the negative form "ought not," the sentence conveys that it was not the right thing to do.

2. It is a good idea to cut the grass soon. (better)
Paraphrased sentence: You had better cut the grass soon.
Explanation: The phrase "had better" is a stronger form of advice or recommendation. It suggests that it would be wise or advisable to cut the grass soon.

3. It is not possible that he is a Spanish. (can't)
Paraphrased sentence: He can't be Spanish.
Explanation: The modal verb "can't" is used to express strong doubt or impossibility. The paraphrased sentence conveys the idea that it is highly unlikely for him to be Spanish.

4. I advise him to give up smoking. (should)
Paraphrased sentence: He should give up smoking.
Explanation: The modal verb "should" is used to give advice or make recommendations. It suggests that giving up smoking would be a good course of action.

5. You nearly caused the accident. (could)
Paraphrased sentence: You could have caused the accident.
Explanation: The modal verb "could" is used to express possibility or ability. By using the past participle form "have caused," the paraphrased sentence conveys that there was a potential for causing the accident.

Translation of the sentences:

1. Тебе не следовало играть в компьютер так долго.
English translation: You shouldn't have played on the computer for so long.
Explanation: The modal verb "shouldn't" is used to express regret or disapproval for an action that was done in the past ("shouldn't have played"). The sentence conveys that it was not appropriate to play on the computer for such a long time.

2. Здесь нельзя курить.
English translation: Smoking is not allowed here.
Explanation: The phrase "нельзя курить" directly translates to "smoking is not possible." The English translation conveys the same message that smoking is prohibited in this location.

3. Мне не нужно вставать по утрам.
English translation: I don't need to get up in the mornings.
Explanation: The phrase "не нужно" translates to "don't need to." The sentence conveys that there is no requirement or obligation for the speaker to get up in the mornings.

4. Возможно, она не любит рыбу.
English translation: She might not like fish.
Explanation: The word "возможно" translates to "might" or "possibly." The sentence expresses the possibility that she does not have a preference for fish.

5. Тебе следует обратиться в больницу.
English translation: You should go to the hospital.
Explanation: The phrase "следует обратиться" translates to "should go" or "ought to go." The sentence gives advice or recommendation that the person should visit the hospital.
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