Мне нужно сочинение о любимом книном персонаже, в тексте нужно указать характер, имя, внешность и что в нем особеного. ! (50-60 слов )

MariyamGaraeva MariyamGaraeva    1   09.08.2019 11:10    0

Ангелина22325 Ангелина22325  04.10.2020 07:10
Little Red Riding Hood cute little girl who was sent to her grandmother carry cakes. This girl was a small but independent. When she went to her grandmother girl met a terrible wolf but not frightened wolf IDUs talked and Red Riding Hood went on. When she came to the place erovati grandmother lying wolf. He ate the red cap. Poom came hunters and zhostali red cap and her grandmother
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