Мне нужен перевод на язык! дом-музей находится в городе клин.архитектура здания- в форме фонарика с цветными стёклами и крышей.2 этажный дом серого цвета окружон большим парком.дом светлый и просторный. на первом этаже находится кухня и столовая.по широкой деревянной лестнице можно подниматся на второй этаж.там прихожая и две большой комнаты и . дом-музей чайковского -гордость всей россии!

neznakomka1408 neznakomka1408    1   16.06.2019 16:50    0

Sestare852 Sestare852  13.07.2020 15:29
The house-Museum is located in city Klin.The architecture of the building-balcony in the form of a flashlight with colored glass and roof.2 Storey house gray okružon a large Park.The house is very bright and spacious.
On the ground floor is the kitchen and dining room.The wide, wooden staircase of podnimatsa on the second floor.There's a hallway and two large rooms and a balcony.
The house-Museum of Tchaikovsky-the Pride of Russia!
llovepet20 llovepet20  13.07.2020 15:29
The house-Museum is located in city Klin.The architecture of the building-balcony in the form of a flashlight with colored glass and roof.2 Storey house gray okružon a large Park.The house is very bright and spacious.
On the ground floor is the kitchen and dining room.The wide, wooden staircase of podnimatsa on the second floor.There's a hallway and two large rooms and a balcony.
The house-Museum of Tchaikovsky-the Pride of Russia!
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