Мне надо до завтра . заполни пропуски в словах: c_usin ni_ce w_ng po_tpudd_ng dr_ver pa_ty s_oonii. выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному: 1.giant: a) healthy b) big c) small d) athletic2.a nephew: a) sister’s son b) neighbour c) brother’s daughter d) boy3.to watch: a) to save b) to fight c) to look like d) to see iii. убери лишнее слово: 1.cousin, aunt, typical, uncle, nephew 2.butter, address, pizza, salad, chips 3.pepper, to boil, to chop, to addiv. вставь слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу вместо пропуска: 1.his brother joined us later.a) greater b) elder c) bigger 2.my aunt is going to cook a big .a) lemon b) pie c) party 3.we arranged a merry last sunday.a) business b) pudding c) holiday party 4. have you ever heard of the london zoological ? a) society b) house c) square v. выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме: 1.he has already his puppy for a walk. (took / taken / will take) 2.the scientist has never the little rhino. (watched / watching / watch) 3.have you ever to westminster abbey? (were / be / been) vi. раскрой скобки и поставь глагол вpresentperfect: 1.nancy (to clean) her room today, and it looks very nice. 2.we (to play) this piece of music many times. 3.pupils (to take) part in the demonstration. 4.jane (to loose) her new umbrella. 5.the parents (to buy) a new dress for daughter. vii. вставь слова в нужном месте: 1.(never) her parents have heard this song. 2.(just) he has turned the corner. 3.(already) they have done the work .4.(ever) has your cousin been to moscow?

shishking2015oz5wew shishking2015oz5wew    3   17.08.2019 20:50    8

юлик011084 юлик011084  05.10.2020 01:31
3. 1. B
2. B
3. B
4. Society

1. Has cleaned.
2. Have played.
3. Have took.
4. Has lost.
5. Have bought.

1. Her parents have never heard this song.
2. He has just turned the corner.
3. They already have done the work.
4. Has your cousin ever been to Moscow?
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