Мне до 13: ! составьте со словами предложения benefit enjoy the benefit competitive make me stronger well organized build character develop leadership physical skills

ruslanmorozko ruslanmorozko    2   08.10.2019 04:10    0

пропин пропин  10.10.2020 03:23

Many people could benefit from it if healthcare was free all over the world.

While attending university, many students enjoy the benefit of using the library for free.

Maria is a very competitive person, whenever we have tests, she wants to be the one who gets the highest grade.

I joined a karate class last week, hopefully it can make me stronger.

Kate is doing so well at school because all of her books are well organized.

John doesn't seem to have any interests and it's so boring talking to him, hopefully with time he will be able to build his character.

My goal for next year is to develop leadership skills, I want to be a businessman when I'm older.

My little brother is very smart and good at math, but his physical skills aren't as good, he even failed the P.E. (physical education  - физкультура) class last semester.

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