Max score is 15
Variant 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
Write, not live, not know, not read, not watch, speak, play, study, teach, think

My favorite interest is sport.
I football and tennis.
My dad TV programmes.
Our house is near a bus station but we near a train station.
She English and French at school.
They like books but they comics.
Mr Scott our class at school.
I the answer to any of these questions.
Jane has got a lot of friends. She emails to them every day.
My best friend three language.
He that Tom is best actor.

dff45rt96 dff45rt96    3   27.10.2020 12:47    1

ааа512 ааа512  26.11.2020 12:49

1. I am play football and tennis.

2. My dad is not watch TV programmes.

3.Our house is near a bus station but we aren't live near a train station.

4. She is study English and French at school.

5.They like books but they aren't read comics.

6.Mr Scott is teach our class at school.

7. I am not know the answer to any of these questions.

8.Jane has got a lot of friends. She is write emails to them every day.

9. My best friend is speak three language.

10.He is think that Tom is best actor.

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