Match two columns to complete the words to drop the 1. to drop the

2. the lights

3. to command a

4. leading

5. minor

6. the House is

7. dress-

8. the scene

9. to play a

10. prompt-

a) sold out b) role
c) view d) go up
e) performers f) is laid in…
g) characters h) box
i) curtain j) rehearsal
B. Complete the words with vowels1.
1. p__rf__rm__nc__

2. __nt__rv__l

3. f__ __tl__ghts

4. p__t

5. scr__pt

6. st__lls

7. c__st 1

8. g__ll__r__

9. pr__mpt__r

10. pl__ _ __rs

11. m__ke-__p

12. r__h__ __rs__

13. st__g__

14. __sh__r

15. __ppl__ __d

16. sp__ct__t__r

17. m__t__n

18. d__c_r

19. pr__d__c__r

20. pl___wr__ght

Georgeo19rus Georgeo19rus    3   02.02.2021 10:25    137

lizka12343 lizka12343  04.03.2021 10:28

Случайно добавил сорян

palieva69 palieva69  09.01.2024 09:42
1. to drop the curtain - i)
Explanation: To drop the curtain means to lower or close the curtain on a stage.

2. the lights go up - d)
Explanation: The phrase "the lights go up" means that the lights in a theater or a performance space are turned on or raised to illuminate the stage.

3. to command a view - c)
Explanation: To command a view means to have a clear and unobstructed sight or perspective of something.

4. leading role - b)
Explanation: A leading role is the main or prominent role played by an actor or actress in a performance.

5. minor part - a)
Explanation: A minor part refers to a small or supporting role played by an actor or actress in a performance.

6. the House is sold out - j)
Explanation: When the House is sold out, it means that all the seats in the theater or performance venue have been sold, and there are no more tickets available.

7. dress-rehearsal - e)
Explanation: A dress rehearsal is a full-scale practice or run-through of a performance, where the actors wear their costumes and all technical aspects are in place.

8. the scene is laid in... - f)
Explanation: This phrase refers to the setting or location where a particular scene takes place in a play or performance.

9. to play a role - g)
Explanation: To play a role means to portray or act as a specific character in a play or performance.

10. prompt-box - h)
Explanation: A prompt-box is a small booth or area located near the stage where a prompter sits and assists the actors with their lines or cues.

1. performance - e
Explanation: Performance refers to a theatrical or musical show or presentation.

2. interval - a
Explanation: Interval refers to a break or intermission between two parts of a performance or event.

3. footlights - e
Explanation: Footlights are the lights at the front of the stage that illuminate the performers.

4. plot - o
Explanation: Plot refers to the main storyline or sequence of events in a play or novel.

5. script - i
Explanation: A script is a written text that contains dialogue and stage directions for a play or performance.

6. stills - i
Explanation: Stills refer to photographs or images taken from a film or video.

7. cast - a
Explanation: Cast refers to the group of actors who perform in a play or film.

8. gallery - a
Explanation: Gallery refers to the highest level or seating area in a theater or auditorium.

9. prompter - o
Explanation: A prompter is a person who assists the actors by whispering or cueing them with their lines.

10. players - a
Explanation: Players refer to the actors or performers in a play or performance.

11. make-up - a
Explanation: Make-up refers to cosmetics or substances applied to the face or body to enhance or alter appearance for a performance.

12. rehearsals - e
Explanation: Rehearsals are practice sessions or run-throughs of a play or performance before the actual show.

13. stage - a
Explanation: Stage refers to the raised platform or area where actors perform in a theater.

14. usher - i
Explanation: An usher is a person who shows people to their seats or assists them during a performance.

15. applauded - a
Explanation: Applauded refers to the act of clapping hands or showing approval and appreciation for a performance.

16. spectator - e
Explanation: A spectator is a person who watches or observes a performance or event.

17. motion - o
Explanation: Motion refers to movement or action on stage during a performance.

18. decor - o
Explanation: Decor refers to the visual elements, such as props and set design, used to create the atmosphere or setting of a performance.

19. producer - o
Explanation: A producer is a person responsible for overseeing and managing the financial and creative aspects of a play or film production.

20. playwright - a
Explanation: A playwright is a person who writes plays or scripts for performances.
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