Match the words with their meaning. ●Will power
●set up

○a person who belongs to somebody and serves him/her
○stand; go through
○hard to bear; tasting like
unsweetened coffee
○condition of being a slavet
bad, harmful
○control over oneself
○difficult or impossible to bear ​​

iljapradunp06w11 iljapradunp06w11    1   21.12.2020 17:59    0

kryakrya04 kryakrya04  20.01.2021 18:00

Match the words with their meaning.

●Will power






●set up


○a person who belongs to somebody and serves him/her

○stand; go through


○hard to bear; tasting like

unsweetened coffee

○condition of being a slavet

bad, harmful

○control over oneself

○difficult or impossible to bea


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