Match the word in column a and their explanations in column b. by step very great because relying on; not controlled by to come to another country to live a person who immigrated get free, keep free from ; become a member of reason of state of being independent to make a home in

dashagorbunova5 dashagorbunova5    1   14.06.2019 21:00    2

Maria2005y Maria2005y  12.07.2020 09:53
Immigrant - a person who immigrated 
join - connect; become a member of 
because of - by reason of
settle -  to make a home in
immigrate -  to come to another country to live 
huge - very great
independence - the state of being independent
escape - get free, keep free from
independent - not relying on; not controlled by 
gradually - step by step
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