Match the sentences. 1)Moscow is a very green city when compared to other cities
2)All of Moscow's nine rail terminals
3)The main building of Moscow State University is 240 metres high and when completed
4)The best known attractions include the Kremlin and Red Square,
5)Detsky Mir ("Children's World"), the largest children's department store in Europe,
6)Moscow was the host city for the 1980 Summer Olympics,
7) The southen part of Tverskaya Street near Manege Square is an area known for
8)There are a lot of night clubs in Moscow,
9)The Sheremetyev Palace in Ostankino now houses a museum
10) Despite the economic growth experienced in Moscow at the beginning of the 21st century,

a)which was built between 14th and 17th centuries.
b)are located close to the centre of the city.
c)many industries have been in difficulty in recent years.
d)many expensive, luxurious bars and restaurants.
e)was the highest building outside the United States at the time.
f)of camparable size in Western Europe and America.
g)which vary in type and character.
j)although the yachting events were held in Tallin.
i)with a rich collection of paintings and sculptures by Russian and West European artists.
k)is a real paradise for children.

balbasenok balbasenok    2   06.12.2021 23:31    3

DeadFox2013 DeadFox2013  23.01.2022 02:10

1 - f

2 - b

3 - e

4 - a

5 - k

6 - j

7 - d

8 - g

9 - i

10 - c


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