Match each sentence on the left with one of the descriptions on the right. 1. i’ve read the gentleman’s thief. 2. i’ve read it several times. 3. i’ve only just read it. a. several actions completed in the past b. an action completed recently c. an action completed at some time in the past 4. he’s been writing his autobiography. 5. he’s just been playing tennis. 6. he’s been playing tennis for years. a. a recently finished action b. an action repeated over a period up to now c. a project that probably isn’t completed yet 7. i’ve only been really frightened once. 8. i’ve only been frightened several times. 9. i’ve been frightened since. a. a state at some time in the past b. a state continuing up to now c. a state repeated on occasions in the past

геймер39 геймер39    3   27.09.2019 21:10    0

tapilina92 tapilina92  08.10.2020 23:21

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. B

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