Mark and peter play hockey every winter (7 вопрос ов). mary went to the park yesterday (7 вопросов ). mister jameson bought 2 packets of cereal at the shop last friday (9 вопросов). нужно .заранее !

дэнчик60 дэнчик60    1   31.07.2019 01:30    0

Tribbl2201 Tribbl2201  28.09.2020 10:52

Mark and Peter play hockey every winter, don’t they?

Do Mark and Peter play hockey every winter?

Do Mark and Peter play hockey or curling every winter?

Who plays hockey every winter?

What do Mark and Peter do every winter?

What do Mark and Peter play?

When do Mark and Peter play hockey?

Mary went to the park yesterday, didn’t she?

Did Mary go to the shop yesterday?

Did Mary go to the shop or to the library yesterday?

Who went to the shop yesterday?

What did Mary do yesterday?

Where did Mary go yesterday?

When did Mary go to the shop?

Mister Jameson bought 2 packets of cereal at the shop last Friday, didn’t he?

Did Mr. Jameson buy two packets of cereal at the shop last Friday?

Did Mr. Jameson buy two packets of cereal or a bar of soap at the shop last Friday?

What did Mister Jameson  buy at the shop last Friday?

What did Mister Jameson  do  last Friday?

Who bought two packets of cereal at the shop last Friday?

When did Mister Jameson  buy two packets  of cereal at the shop?

How many packets of cereal did Mister Jameson  buy at the shop last Friday?

Where did Mr. Jameson buy two packets of cereal at the shop last Friday?

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