Марине 12 лет. она живёт в санкт-петербурге её распорядок дня такой.марина встала в 7 часов утра,завтракает и идёт в школу.у неё каждый день бывают по 5-6 уроков.марине нравится и .днём она обедает в школьной столовой.после школы марина идёт домой,перекусывает и выполняет .это занимает у неё 2-3 часа.вечером марина ужинает с семьёй.после ужина она смотрит в телевизор,читает и в 10: 30 ложиться спать. переведите на

annatimofeeva4 annatimofeeva4    1   03.10.2019 20:30    2

misskuleshova misskuleshova  21.08.2020 21:23

Marina is 12. She lives in Saint Petersburg her daily routine is such.Marina got up at 7 o'clock of morning, breakfasts and goes to school.For her every day are for 5-6 lessons.Marina likes history and mathematics.In the day-time she has dinner in a school dining-room.After school Marina goes home, has a snack and executes domestic task.It occupies for her 2-3 hours.In the evening Marina has a supper with family.After a supper she looks in television, reads and in 10: 30 to lie down to sleep.

UlanM UlanM  21.08.2020 21:23

Marina is 12 years old. She lives in Saint Petersburg and her daily routine is the following. Marina gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning, has breakfast and goes to school. Everyday she has from 5 to 6 lessons. Marina likes history and math. In the afternoon, she has lunch in the school canteen. After school Marina goes home, has a snack and does her homework. It takes her 2-3 hours. In the evening she has dinner with her family. After dinner she watches TV, reeds and goes to bed at 10:30.

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